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Awards Category: Water Damage

Water Damage

Our clients suffered water damage to their property. After retaining our firm, the insurance carrier made an initial offer of $160,858.79 to cover this loss, and we were able to negotiate a higher value of $285,858.79.

Water Damage

We represented an apartment building owner that had several of his tenants suffer water damage due to a leak. Insurance originally offered $25,188 to resolve his claim. After hiring us we were able to get him $222,471.49.

Hire a water damage lawyer today and get a free initial consultation!

Water Damage

Our client owns a multiunit property that sustained severe water damage affecting four units, common area, and a commercial space on our client’s property. After retaining our firm, the insurance carrier made an initial offer of $189,434.11 to cover the loss, and we were able to negotiate a higher value of $305,676.62.

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